Dr. Channa Bromley
Relationship Expert
Murder Your Monster
Your Inner Critic is a Monster—It's Time to Murder It
That voice in your head telling you that you're not good enough? It’s more than just an inner critic—it’s a monster, feeding off your insecurities, sabotaging your relationships, and keeping you stuck in a cycle of self-doubt. This isn’t something you can simply quiet with affirmations or positive thinking. This monster needs to be obliterated—once and for all.
Here’s where the transformation begins. Picture your inner critic as a physical entity—a monster that embodies every toxic thought, every negative whisper, and every doubt that’s ever held you back. Now imagine giving that monster a name and a face. Then, get ready to destroy it.
Choose from 10 unique monsters
Each representing different forms of self-sabotage. Whether it's fear, shame, or self-doubt, there's a monster that embodies the negativity you're ready to let go of. When you choose your monster and input your email, you’ll receive a custom ritual designed specifically to help you energetically—and symbolically—murder it.
This isn’t just a mental exercise. You’ll get a step-by-step guide to to murder your monster,, and free yourself from its toxic grip. This ritual turns your healing journey into something tangible, real, and powerful—a moment of liberation you can touch, feel, and ritualize.